What our customers say about Sniffy and their experiences

At Sniffywe believe in offering you the best products at the best prices. But what do our customers think?

Here you'll find all the comments and opinions we've received from people who have already placed an order with us.

Some of our customers' opinions

Why put your trust in us? We value our customers' experience

The Sniffy boutique has always aimed to bring energy powder enthusiasts together in a single community. By offering high-quality products made using natural techniques, we've won the hearts of thousands of customers throughout France and Europe. You can therefore read all the reviews left by members of the Sniffy community on each of our product sheets:

We have distinguished ourselves by working with the best European producers, while maintaining fair prices for our loyal customers. Our commitment has been recognized and rewarded by all the positive and benevolent comments you have left us on independent organizations!

Let's grow together, leave your opinion on our white powder Sniffy ! 

Your opinions and testimonials are important for the development of our online store and the manufacture of Sniffy products. With your support and help, we aim to provide you with top-quality service and unique products, always at the best prices.  

Please let us know what motivates you to consume our white powder, and what your consumption habits are. Your testimonials help us to develop our products and enhance the experience of all our consumers. You can leave your opinion on Sniffy directly on the site, by email to [email protected]or on our social networks Facebook and Instagram.